Cellco Communications is certified for compliance with AQAP 2110 and ISO 9001: 2015. 

We can handle projects in the field of deliveries to the army of the custom fiber optic products based on QBEAM, 38999 S3 connectors, and many other harsh and mil sub-connectors. Our company operates specialized orders for heavy industry, maritime industry, aviation, wind farms, and FTTA.

Contact us for more details dedicated to your industry!

Fiber optic cables solution>

"Cellco offers tactical solutions based on 38999 SIII connectors and the QBEAM lens connectors (QPC manufacturer). QBEAM connectors are a solution that can successfully replace other lens connectors that meet the requirements of military standards.

This was confirmed by the official test report carried out by the Military Institute of Communications, and thus QBEAM connectors have been confirmed for compliance with the recommendations of the defense standard NO-58-A208: 2016

Their construction is highly resistant to external factors, mechanical and chemical. At the same time, is very simple to use in the field (incl. maintaining/cleaning the lens) to keep low attenuation"


"Firma Cellco posiada w swojej ofercie rozwiązania taktyczne, bazujące na złączach w standardzie 38999 SIII oraz rozwiązaniu soczewkowym QBEAM (producent QPC). Złącza QBEAM to rozwiązanie, którym możemy zastąpić z powodzeniem inne złącza soczewkowe spełniające wymagania norm militarnych.

Zostało to potwierdzone oficjalnym raportem z badań przeprowadzonym przez Wojskowy Instytut Łączności, a co za tym idzie, złącza QBEAM uzyskały potwierdzenie na zgodność z zaleceniami normy obronnej NO-58-A208:2016.

Ich konstrukcja charakteryzuje się ogromną odpornością na czynniki zewnętrzne, mechaniczne jak i chemiczne. Jednocześnie złącza te są proste w użyciu w warunkach polowych przy utrzymaniu połączenia światłowodowego z małym współczynnikiem strat sygnału optycznego."


A wide range of fiber optic connectors from plug connectors to bulk-head connectors allows you to build a complete system of reliable communication that meets critical military requirements (compliance with MIL-DTL standards).

Sensing cables>

For industrial solutions Cellco offers sensing cables - specialized solutions of fiber optic cables allowing for continuous measurements along the entire length of the line. Using cable properties, you can monitor properties such as temperature change, sound, vibration and stress. The measurements are carried out in real time, which allows for immediate analysis of changes and prevention of potential problems.

Sensing cables are used in such areas as: fire protection, construction (monitoring of construction and vibrations), mining, geothermal energy.


We provide services of fiber-optic military cables. In the case of cable damage, our team of engineers performs a fault diagnosis and then repairs or exchanges damaged elements, bringing the product to a state that guarantees full functionality.




Comment nous trouver

Cellco Communications Sp. zoo.
ul. Szczecińska 30E, 73-108 Kobylanka, POLSKA
Tél. +48 91 570 52 22

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